Please go to Waitlist application page.
木の実幼稚園インターナショナルSince 1990
Contact us
Child's Surname / お子様の苗字
Given Name / 名前
Date of Birth / 生年月日
Gender/ 性別 MaleFemale
Home Address / 住所 Street Address / ストリートアドレス
Suburb / サバーブ
States / 州—Please choose an option—New South WalesVictoriaQueenslandSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaNorthern TerritoryAustralia Capital TerritoryTasmania
Postcode / 郵便番号
Language spoken at home / ご自宅で使用している言語
Choice of Courses / コースの選択Please circle preferred course(s) / 複数回答可A course: 2 days per week (Mon & Tue) / Aコース: 週2日(月・火)B course: 3 days per week (Wed, Thu & Fri) / Bコース: 週3日(水・木・金)C course: 5 days per week (Mon to Fri) / Cコース: 週5日(月~金)
We will contact you when a new spot becomes available. / クラスに空きができ次第ご連絡いたします。
Your child born in February? / お子様は2月生まれですか? No / いいえYes / はい
Konomi Kindergarten starts in January and if your child is under 2 years old in January, he/she will start school after turning 2 years old. However, childcare fees will be charged from January. Alternatively, it is possible to enroll for the following year.
Do you wish to keep his/her name in the roll from January? / 1月からクラスの席を確保されますか? Yes / はいNo / いいえ
※ If you choose "No", your application will be placed in the following year.
We read and understand the conditions and agreed. / 上記条件を理解した上で申し込みます。 Agree / 同意する
Full Name / 氏名
Same address as above? / 住所は上記と同じですか? Yes / はいNo / いいえ
Mobile Phone Number / 携帯電話
Email / メールアドレス
Residency Status / ビザの種類 —Please choose an option—Australia Citizen / オーストラリア国民Permanent Regidency / 永住Business / ビジネスStudent / 学生Working Holiday / ワーキングホリデーOther / その他
Please note that a one off $50.00 application fee payment has to be transferred together when submitting the application form for our waiting list. This is non-refundable whether or not your child is offered a place at Konomi Kindergarten. Please find below Bank detail. Please put your child’s name in the reference column.
Account Name: Imagawa Gakuen Australia BSB: 032-292 Acc: 103488