Waitlist application form

Child's Details: お子様について

We will contact you when a new spot becomes available. / クラスに空きができ次第ご連絡いたします。

February-born Child / 2月生まれのお子様について

Mother's / Guardian Details: お母様について

Father's / Guardian Details: お父様について

Please note that $50.00 application fee will be charged when you submit this application form for our waiting list. $50.00 application fee is non-refundable whether or not your child is offered a place at Konomi Kindergarten.


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Signed by Kazue Hiwatashi
Signed On: 02/02/2021

Signature Certificate
Document name: Waitlist application form
lock iconUnique Document ID: c6edb04b4b9d9a3878441ce385f0c02abd5ec1e0
Timestamp Audit
07/10/2020 11:34 AM AEDTWaitlist application form Uploaded by Kazue Hiwatashi - studiospec@gmail.com IP